
Global Open Call for Entries from Artists

  • "The Earth We Share" is a 6 month long global, online Art Exhibition
  • Artists from across the world are invited to participate in the Art Exhibition
  • Sell Direct and Commission Free to a global collector audience
  • The call is open to artists practising all painting styles Contemporary, Modern, Native, Tribal or Folk Styles
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Exhibition Theme - The Earth We Share

Our Beautiful Planet Earth is home to more than just humans. We share this planet with almost 9 million species of flora and fauna. The planet's well-being hinges on the well-being of all inhabitants.

Some inspiring prompts to interpret the theme of "The Earth We Share" are below. The prompts are just a guide & artists are free to interpret the theme in their own way

  • Flora and Fauna : Flowers | Animals | Birds | Myths
  • Nature and Landscapes : Forests, Trees, Plants & Gardens | Oceans, Seas & Rivers | Mountains, Hills & Valleys | Deserts, Icy & Extreme Landscapes
  • Silent Nature | Botanical Art | The Joy of Seasons
  • Ecology, Environment & Conservation
  • Sunrise, Sunsets and Blue Skies
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