Global Art Exhibition

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
India's G-20 Presidency Theme Slogan

The Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Principle is the hallmark of India’s G20 Presidency, as a guiding principle and a slogan too. The Principle is a gift to this planet from the ancient, eternal civilization of Bharat, the original name of India! Now more than ever, the world needs this beautiful, healing Principle from Bharat ( the original name of what is now India)

In a world full of war and conflicts, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Principle promises to show the way and bring in harmony. The Principle promises to unite, whilst allowing nation-states the space to exist as individual entities.

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Global Open Call for Entries from Artists

  • "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" is a 6 month long global, online Art Exhibition
  • Artists from across the world are invited to participate in the Art Exhibition
  • Sell Direct and Commission Free to a global collector audience
  • The call is open to artists practising all painting styles Contemporary, Modern, Native, Tribal or Folk Styles
Connect with art lovers globally!!
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Sustainability is a lifestyle, not a duty

We have one Planet which we call home. Live sustainably, cherish our home or we perish! The ancient principle of Pralaya is a sustainability principle – dissolution that makes space for the new.

5 Elements | The Unity of Life

The Pancha Mahabhutas or the 5 elements are the basis of all life on Earth! All life forms and even inanimate resources are composed of the 5 elements or the Pancha Mahabhutas. This alone is proof that we are all from a common source, belonging to the same family. Violating or polluting any of these Pancha MahaBhutas affects us all adversely.

The Earth belongs to all

Our beautiful Mother Earth, with her abundant resources and nurturing abilities, belongs to all creatures - humans, animals, plants, other creatures . Humans need to live on Earth with this understanding. Together we thrive. The future is together.

Sacred Secrets

The Universe is born out of the sacred Union of Purusha – the masculine energy and Prakriti – the feminine energy. This sacred balance is responsible for all creation and dissolution. Understanding this sacred secret generates harmony and balance. Lack of understanding causes gender rivalry, imbalance and destruction. The ancient Hindu traditions understood this and depicted this sacred secret as the beautiful “Ardhanarishwara”


India showcases diversity and harmony through the analogy of the hand and fingers, where each finger has a distinct size and purpose, yet they function collectively as the hand or fist. India’s level of harmony amidst diversity is unparalleled in any other nation or continent.

Etiquette in Dissent

We can’t all agree, all the time! However, we can disagree agreeably! “Etiquette in Dissent” keeps families together, cultures thriving!

Embracing Similarities, Celebrating Differences

India, inspired by the timeless Vedic civilization, embraces similarities and celebrates differences through a vast array of art, cuisine, architecture, music, dance, languages, dialects based on changing terrains every few hundred kilometers. This diversity defies imagination and is upheld by Vedic harmony principles like Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Alone we Arrive, Together we Thrive

Our beautiful Mother Earth, with her abundant resources and nurturing abilities, belongs to all creatures - humans, animals, plants, other creatures . Humans need to live on Earth with this understanding. Together we thrive. The future is together.

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